Sunday, July 27, 2008


This weekend was filled with lots of fun as we overturned some old and new stones in Jacksonville. Friday, Madison and I went with a friend from school to the Jacksonville Farmer's Market. I have never seen so much produce in my life! We bought so much stuff - bananas, oranges, key limes, new potatoes, peaches, watermelon, string beans, and more! The best part about it was the bill... only $14.00 for everything!!

The farmer's market is across town, making it inconvenient to "swing by" on the way home, but it is only 3 miles from the courthouse, so I guess I'll just have to find extra reasons to go to the courthouse... at least twice a month!

The next stop on our route was Avenues Mall where we discovered the most wonderful tea
shop - Teavana. Most of you who know us know that we are Mormon's and we don't drink tea, however, herbal tea is okay. Teavana sells quality herbal teas that are great for our well-being. For instance, Teavana has a Rooibus tea that is good for digestion, skin health and allergies. We decided to get some for Madison as she has to take Zyrtec every day for her allergies and the tea has been been a tremendous help! They also have tea for energy, stress relief, sleep, metabolism, tea that is high in Vitamin C and antioxidants, and the list goes on. Teavana sweetens their tea with a sugar called German Rock Cane Sugar. One teaspoon of the sugar has only 25 calories and one carb. It's the perfect sweetener - not too sweet and it's also much better than granulated sugar; it's even safe for diabetics.

Friday night Greg and I went to dinner and a movie with Sarah & John Poor - aka "Jason Poor" for those of you Jax Beach RS Blog readers. :) We introduced the Poor's to Wild Wing Cafe which is a new restaurant that just opened by Tinseltown. Greg & I first experienced WWC in Charleston, SC and are so happy to have a location here in Jax. Their wings are scrumptous! What sets them apart is the way the wings are cooked. Ranch wings are cooked in ranch flavor, thai wings cooked in thai flavor, etc. If you haven't been, go try it out... you won't be disappointed (Wild West - ranch flavor is the best).

After dinner, we stopped over at Tinseltown to see Mamma Mia! Contrary to what John posted on his blog about how ridiculous the movie was, I found the movie to be really good! So good that I even went out and bought the soundtrack that night. Greg even thought the movie was good. Nevertheless, we all had fun and we are really going to miss the Poors when they move.

Since our season passes were about to expire, we decided to go to the Museum of Science and History to check out their new exhibits - Giant Insects and Water Worlds. We had a lot of fun, although one day it would be nice to go back and actually get to read all about the exhibits - something you don't get the privilege of doing with children. :)

Afterward, the kids decided to continue our "creature" theme and this is what they made for dessert.

1 Comment:

John-E-Boi said...

Jason Poor is my evil twin...he's got a goatee.