Sunday, July 6, 2008


We had a fun weekend spending time with family down in south Florida! We stayed busy expanding our horizons as we went fishing on a boat in the ocean; had a bar-b-que; set off fireworks from our own little island; played games in the backyard; and stopped off at 7-11 for a few Slurpees (Alisa's favorite). The best part about the Slurpees is the new straws! The straws are metal so your Slurpee stays cold all the way from the cup to your mouth. :)

The kid's favorite part of the trip was all the fishing. They fished in ponds, they fished in the ocean, and they fished in the river. It was so funny to watch Madison; she fished with such focus and intensity. She took her task very seriously!

The girls also really enjoyed playing with the cats...even they were supposed to be in their cage sleeping. Madison asked if she could play with the cats and she was never told "No," only that the cats had to stay in their cage right now. She decided that she was going to play with them one way or another and got in the cage with them! I hope DCF never stumbles upon this picture. :)

Fireworks were another highlight of the trip, and even though I was so scared to let the children near them, they became little pyros before the weekend was through. Amazingly, no one was injured and they were really careful throughout the whole experience. One of the most enjoyable events was taking the boat over to a little island where we sat and enjoyed an evening of talking, laughing and lighting A LOT of fireworks.

Last year the State of Florida battled many wildfires and Palm Bay was one of those places. The fires got within two miles of my Aunt & Uncle's house, but they were spared when 100 more firefighters showed up from west Florida to help battle the blaze. It was really neat to see all of the new growth!

We played a fun game called "ladder ball." As you can tell, Greg was more concerned about posing just right for the picture than playing the game! Needless to say, I guess I don't need to remind him again who actually won the game.